
Showing posts with the label web 3 explained

How Will Web 3.0 and NFTs Impact Ecommerce in 2022?

Did you notice? The World Wide Web is witnessing something, and it's happening quickly. You may have read about teens selling digital assets for millions of dollars or anonymous crypto founders flipping traditional money concepts upside down. What is all this exciting and sometimes bizarre stuff about? Because the future is becoming more complex, there is no one answer. It's not about abandoning the internet as it is and moving into unknown and uncharted territory. It's about accepting concepts such as Web3, blockchain, and NFTs. Experts predict that NFTs will be commonplace within ecommerce in less than five years. If you want business growth, it's time for you to plan. It can be difficult to grasp these concepts. Once you get used to them, you'll see the potential of eCommerce. WHAT IS WEB3? - THE NEAREST GENERATION OF INTERNET: Before we get into the details of these new trends, let's first look at the larger concept of the next-generation internet. Web3, als...